We at Unicoi County Gas are confident that you will discover using natural gas is economical, comfortable, and enjoyable. To help you get started we offer several financial incentives. Those are listed below.
Water Heater Incentive
- Customer or contractor of their choice installs a new 40 gallon or larger natural gas water heater UCGUD will write the customer a $200 check
- When replacing a 40 gallon or larger UCGUD will write the customer a $100 check
Installations and Change outs
UCGUD will Install a new –
- 40 gallon natural gas water heater for $515.75+ tax (50.28) = $566.03
- 50 gallon natural gas water heater for $607.75 + tax (59.25) = $667.00
- 40 gallon direct vent water heater for $860.00 + tax (83.85) = $943.85
- 50 gallon direct vent water heater for $908.00 + tax (88.53) = $996.53
UCGUD will change out a –
- 40 gallon natural gas water heater for $458.25 + tax (44.67) = $502.92
- 50 gallon natural gas water heater for $550.25 + tax (53.64) = $603.89
- 40 gallon direct vent water heater for $800;00 + tax (78.00) = $878.00
- 50 gallon direct vent water heater for $848.00 + tax (82.68) = $930.68
Natural Gas Incentive Program
The following amounts will be paid to both the homeowner and any licensed contractor (on the approved list) who install Natural Gas Water Heaters and/or Natural Gas or Dual Fuel Appliances. $25.00 for each of the following Natural Gas Appliances you install
- Natural Gas Dryer
- Natural Gas Cook Stove
- Natural Gas Outdoor Lights
- Natural Gas Grill
- Natural Gas Heaters
Electric to Gas or New Heating Installations of 30,000 BTU or larger
1.25 per 1000 BTU (example: 100,000 BTU = $125.00)
Gas to Gas Heating Changeout of 30,000 BTU or larger
65 per 1000 BTU (example: 100,000 BTU = $65.00)
Install Water Heater of 40 Gallon or Larger including Tankless
- New Installation= $200.00
- Replace Electric with Gas= $200.00
- Replace Gas with Gas= $100.00
Note: Homeowner must acknowledge contractor installation for eligibility.
No Power? No Problem!
Some Natural Gas Appliances require NO electricity, so with Natural Gas your family will have warm heat and hot water!